Friday, June 05, 2009

Another entry in the category of Ongoing Gap-Filling in Film Education:

The fantastic Carrol Reed/Graham Greene film The Fallen Idol, with Ralph Richardson and Bobby Henrey (left) as the boy whose incomplete child's perspective drives the film. It's an astonishing movie, and does what I'm starting to crave most in this CGI-ed world we live in (I made it through about an hour of Night at the Museum last night before boredom with the repetitive rhythm of dead-eyed-Ben-Stiller-reaction-shot/Some-New-CGICreature-shot sent me away): tells an engaging, sometimes heartbreaking story, with human interaction at the core, as its engine. It's really really good. Cool, suspenseful, creepy, and so very specific in its time/place. It was so good I kept running out of the room.

1 comment:

Professor Sheri Wills said...


I never heard of this, but it sounds wonderful. Thanks for the tip!
