Thursday, October 09, 2008

Extraordinarily bummed to have missed an outing to Smoque this week...I couldn't chew. Still can't, particularly, but making do. Cor...the more I couldn't chew, the more I longed for delicious sweet brisket! *homerslobber* Sometime soon.

In Barbara Pym novels the characters often gleefully pounce on cookbooks of invalid cookery (for one of the wan illin' curates)...I thought about that this week. So far my best best for food has been ______[Whatever] Rarebit. I made a chicken stock-based cheese sauce with (freezer!) Havarti, sharp cheddar, and parmesan (also dry mustard, thyme, etc.), and ate it on orzo and on sogged-out toasted cornbread, among other sauce vehicles. Very good, although I still long for brisket. I am branchin out into rice today!

The back of the freezer became clearly visible last week, by the way, despite adding containers of chili and sludge to the melee. Archeologists everywhere rejoiced. I am down to just one package of chicken in terms of serious Up-Using-Must. Whoo hoo! And an awful lot of soybeans...just dunno what's gonna happen to them. The biggest problem? DISHES. Can barely keep up.

Perhaps I'll make myself a nice blancmange or 'shape' later. And knit myself a pair of curate-gray socks...


Demandra said...

Around midnight last night I put a bison roast with H20, garlic, onions, and carrots in my glorious cast iron dutch over (oh! covered the roast in TJ's habenero lime salsa as well) and went to bed. Each time I woke up, the smell about knocked me over. So. Delicious.

I think you can eat it. It just fell apart this morning. Tender, tender. So glorious. We're doing roast, mashed fingerling potatoes (buttah in startch form) and green beans. I'll over cook the beans so you don't have to chew. Come! Come ovah...

Elizabeth M. Tamny said...


Elizabeth M. Tamny said...

p.s. I love the idea of cooking overnight....