Friday, January 04, 2008


* The goal for 2008? To have a good time, all the time.

* Pre-daiquiri. Post-daiquiri.

* God bless him, but I don't need Carson Fashionman to tell me it's okay to be naked. I applaud his show in principle--VERY MUCH SO, and maybe I don't even mean this but still--Liz...exasperated.

* Cooking a lot recently: tunafish salat a la Liz yum; mac & cheese, made with with broken-up bucatini rigat (no macaroni), chicken stock and rice milk with pepper, (too much) dry mustard and three cheeses from hopelessly different socio-economic strata (camembert, american, parmeggiano)--sounds awful, was really pretty good, if a little impatient; relentlessly carned-up chili con carne (bacon, ground bif, chicken stock); verry veggy black beans, cooked with onion and green pepper and tons of thyme, oregano, white balsamic vinegar then pureed; choccy chip oatmeal cookies (think I've finally found a good recipe); brownies; other things I'm forgetting at the mo.

* If anybody I used to work with reads this they will laugh at me, but I'm startin to really love, in a pet junk fud way, that quintessential Chicago fudstuf....the pizza puff. DON'T LAUGH AT ME.

* The new ads for the new Jamie Oliver show: "Teaches you cooking in a new hands-on way." Ah. Hands-on. Thanks for clearing that up. My dissertation on the meaningless of Food Network rhetoric is almost complete.

* It's worth watching Along Came Polly for bits of Philip Seymour H., who steals the movie with ease. In fact, in a few years that movie would have been about him (a la Superbad), not about the meaningless benstiller everyman/nebbisch (can we kill that off yet?).

* Giving props where it's due, no matter what: There is some bizarrely good metre in that dumbass Hootie song. I'm-such-a-baby-the-Dolphins-make-me-cry. Seriously masterful metre! Must be said!!! Makes it look easy.

* I really really resent and am frankly still quite shocked that my high-school German teacher had us learn "Deutschland Uber Alles" in class. What was the point? I hate that it's in my head, cause it's hooky and has a bad way of showing up in the front of my brain pan sometimes. I wish it could be gone.

* My new nickname: Foxy.

* The ATA staff in Manchester, NH: really really nice.

* Two great auto-bios/bios for Christmas: The Judith Jones autobiography, and the new Raymond Chandler issue-oriented (What About His Wife?) biography. Gobble gobble! So yum, and thank you, mum.

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