Saturday, July 07, 2007

Good: Having a stache of thick cut bacon planks in your freezer. You can saw off bits as necessary--tiny, if so desired--without thawing, because of fat content, not have to cook an entire package and spend all that time separating gluey strips of bacon. So if you just want a little handful to flavor a soup you can render some cross-cut lardons and use as desired.

Bad: Orzo looks cute, and is delicious, and is all fun and tiny and comforting, but that stuff is pernicious. It's impossible to completely get out of the strainer, due to the way the "grains" align and meld, and the bits that stick to the cooking pot, because of the starch/surface area ratio, are stuck for eternity. Like cement. They are some hostile little ovoids. But oh how good with butter and pepper.

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