Saturday, July 21, 2007

1. Somebody gave me a link to this great comprehensive site that ranks sunscreens based on both efficacy and health risks. You can rank, sort the huge list with tons of brand names. Very helpful!
2. I think the doofus, emasculated persona of Kevin James (sharpened in recent flix like Hitch) is supposed to help us buy the really backwards fag jokes of Chuck & Larry. However, if you find the man deathly hot, this doesn't work. Kevin James is really they think we miss this because he's fat? People are schtoopid.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Checked out the sunscreen site - interesting. I find them a bit over reactive in the summaries, but I love the full breakdown of the findings. Irritating that their top rated (green/green) are all zinc or titanium oxides, which are opaque creams. Still, lots of useful data - thanks for the link!