Thursday, July 12, 2007

1) That thunderstorm on Monday saved me from craven homicidal impulses! It was a beautiful storm.

2) By the you want to know what I've been doing since late April? And when I say "doing," I mean...95% of my activities. This. Just givin it a lil shout-out (see image right).

3. From the plus ca change category: Does not Rizachael Rizay's new 30 Minute set remind you tremendously of the set for The Romagnoli's Table? Remember? In da 70s? WGBH? The orange? The rounded-off edges of the cubicle-y backset? Am I getting it confused with an earlier Jacques set or something? All I know is that I had a jolt of recognition.

Related/tangent: One thing I grateful to my parents for: giving me some vague sense of the food fads of the 70s/80s. A lot of people seem to think that everything in the last five years sprang full-born into public consciousness, but it's definitely one of a set of waves, and it can be helpful to be in touch with that. Otto & Anna and food co-ops and the Arrival of the Cuisinart...blah blah. My aunt even gave me the Foodie Handbook in college, the one that was written when it was still a bad word. She was always perspicacious, though.

4. Sexy me! Can't stop watching. They are so TIGHT.

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